I think I've mentioned here before that I don't know much about 
DCOP and haven't been too sure that what's included in PyKDE is 
correct or sufficient (it's been there mostly so kdecore would 

You may have noticed a short exchange on comp.lang.python with 
Eric Williams (hi Eric!), who finally got me to take a look at 
the sorry state the PyKDE DCOP implementation is in (no one has 
asked previously). It appears to need only some relatively 
simple fixes for the most part (some of the implementation might 
be a little difficult to do, but it should be very usable in 
even the worst case).

My plan is to update all of the dcop module and provide some 
examples (probably stolen from Eric) and docs in the PyKDE 4.0 
release,  which is a ways off. It will also include sip 4.0 
final and KDE 3.2 final.

With that improvement and David's software, PyKDE will be able to 
support everything KDE does (I think) except panel extensions 
(trivial - almost the same as panel applets) and styles (haven't 
looked into that much at all, but will eventually). If I'm 
missing something else (that you'd really want to use) let me 


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