Hi, I'm just getting started with QScintilla and learning Qt as I go... I'm trying to use QScintilla from within Qt Designer as a custom widget. I added a widget definition for QextScintilla, created a form with a QextScintilla widget on it and tried to build. I ended up with a link error:

ld: Undefined symbols:
QextScintilla::QextScintilla[in-charge](QWidget*, char const*, unsigned)

Looking at the source, it looks like it's using WFlags where Qt wants unsigned. WFlags is typedef'd to uint so I tried modifying qextscintilla.{h,cxx} and replacing WFlags with uint (I also tried unsigned). But I still get the same link error. :-(

Can anyone with a little more C++ knowhow tell me how to fix this?



PS, does anyone have a Qt Designer compatible widget description file available? I configured it by hand (a little tedious) but don't know how to set up the properties. Alternatively, if someone can tell me how to set up the properties in Qt Designer, I'll be happy to post the completed widget description!

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