On Wednesday 19 May 2004 21:50, Mark Saward wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm just starting to learn python and PyQt at the same time.  I'm

Welcome to the club.

> making an application using designer.  The problem is, that every
> time I use 'pyuic' I'm finding I need to modify the resulting file
> every time. Right now I need to add a member function:
>     def keyPressEvent(self, event):
>         if event.text() == 'd':
>             player.Player.x +=1
> Is there a way I can write that member function in another file and
> have it easily accessed by the resulting file from pyuic without
> needing to re-add much code every time?

Since Toby told you the prefered most professional way already, read 
this for adding code from inside designer:



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