On Tuesday 25 May 2004 10:03, Jim Bublitz wrote:
> > The problem is that during the last couple of weeks there was not a
> > single day when all of the parts of the whole were stable at the same
> > time ;-)
> I believe you'll find that mentioned in the Book of Revelations as sign of
> the end of the world. :)

I think it's actually '1st Bublitz, Ch 3, verses 7-9' :-)

I was only asking, because I'm not as handy as many on this list and I often 
have a tough time compiling it all, so I really dread when I have to install 
something elsewhere.

I've used chkinstall before to make rpms, but then the target box seems to 
need to be *just* like mine or it will fail to install.

Regards, Paul Evans

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