> I think I'm just going to go with the other users' recommendation of
> nabbing the latest sip and compiling with some different flags with GCC4
> and see if that gets me some quick wins.  My mind is too small and
> fragile to attempt the changes you proposed above without screwing
> things up or causing myself more time than its worth (Thanks just the
> same for the options though) Which is kind of how I view pyqt in general
> - A time saver.

As I understand it, GCC4 won't give any improvement if you are using the
latest SIP (although it would be nice to have this confirmed). Thanks to
Ulli, modules now only export a single symbol - just using the latest SIP
by itself should give you the improvements.

> I do have one last question for you though.  One user seemed to purport,
> and I haven't tested hard enough yet to confirm it, that when two python
> strings are concatenated:
> x = x + y
> That a new string is created, leaving the old reference to x in memory.
> With python's garbage collection as it is, this doesn't seem to be
> correct, but I wanted to ensure there wasn't some special way of
> handling cleanup that I need to take into account.

Often you find that your are keeping an extra reference elsewhere. Use
sys.getrefcount() to check.


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