I'm trying to update PyQt with the last 3.14.1 version, but the configuration script fails.
Is there a way to traceback the error ? (I can't see any log file for this step)
$python ./configure.py
This is the GPL version of PyQt 3.14.1 (licensed under the GNU General Public
License) for Python 2.3.3 on linux2.

Type 'L' to view the license.
Type 'yes' to accept the terms of the license.
Type 'no' to decline the terms of the license.

Do you accept the terms of the license? yes
SIP 4.2.1 is being used.
QScintilla 1.5.1 is being used.
Checking to see if the qtcanvas module should be built...
Checking to see if the qtnetwork module should be built...
Checking to see if the qttable module should be built...
Checking to see if the qtxml module should be built...
Checking to see if the qtgl module should be built...
Checking to see if the qtui module should be built...
Checking to see if the qtsql module should be built...
Checking to see if the qtext module should be built...
Checking to see if the QAssistantClient class is available...
Creating features file...
Error: Unable to build mkfeatures utility.

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