Am Dienstag, 8. Februar 2005 07:11 schrieb jul:
> Hi Detlev,
> I have just tried to use eric-doc for the first time, and I found two
> small disagrements.
> While my python files are utf8 encoded, the html doc page doesn't
> recognize special characters. It works as if my source was in latin-1,
> and accents don't appear correctly.

That will be changed in the next snapshot.

> The second point concerns docstring newlines which are not respected in
> the html page. I've tried to add '\n' in the docstring source, but it
> doesn't change.
> All the docstrings are written on a single line.

'\n' is irrelevant for HTML. If you need a line break at a certain position, 
you have to include a '<br />' in your text.

Detlev Offenbach

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