On Tue, Apr 26, 2005 at 09:22:31AM +0100, Phil Thompson wrote:
> Don't do this - it won't work. Modules now build standalone - you do not
> link them against modules that are imported.

Well, it works ok.  But am happy to try to do it the right way instead.

> SIP v4 modules only export one symbol per module, ie. they follow the
> rules for modules. You can still refer to things like sipType_QSomething -
> those references are resolved through other means and not through the
> linker.

The only way I can see to do this is to build a sip module which imports
the classes that I need to access.  It looks like that gives the module
handles to the API structure for each of the dependent modules.

Unless I do that, I'm stuck, no?  My problem is that I have some
bolted-on code which was using the sip conversion functions to
e.g. access the underlying Qt classes given a Python handle.
None of the SIP api functions appear to provide for that.

I wondered if sipMapStringToClass might be what I was looking
for, but that seems to require a class map to be passed in?
Am I misunderstanding if I were hoping simply to call
or something similar?  Surely a global lookup is a reasonable
thing given the names must be unique?



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