On Friday 29 April 2005 08:34, lapo wrote:
> Hi i got this stiky error:
> sip: sip/kdecore/kshortcutlist.sip:85: There is already an enum in scope
> with the same Python name
> Error: Unable to create the C++ code.

In the file indicated, delete the following lines around line 85, then re-run 
configure.py and make. Change:


    enum Other




//    enum Other
//    {

//    };


The other alternative is to download the snapshot which already has this 
fixed. Snapshots are at 


If you're using gcc >= 3.4, you might want to use the kde-bindings version or 
KDE CVS version of PyKDE. gcc 3.4 and greater will produce "missing symbols" 
errors with the snapshot.

There duplicate enum error above is a problem with more recent sip versions - 
earlier sip versions ignored it.


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