On Tuesday 24 May 2005 15:26, Brad Ralph wrote:
> I haven't looked at creating tasks manually.  I do it by adding
> either #FIXME of #TODO lines in the actual files.  If you do this,
> eric helpfully adds them as tasks in the task list and when you
> double click on them if opens the file and moves the cursor to the
> correct line.
> I think it is really neat - Detlev really needs a pat on the back for
> this one ...

He definitely does.

However, I noticed that some of the tasklets are displayed more than 
once in the tasklet viewer, unless I change one of them, then the list 
gets refreshed and the double entries vanish. I didn't see any pattern 
yet, like what does trigger adding the same task more than once, but 
now at least you know that there's something strange around.

If I recognize any pattern, I will of course let you know.


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