On Friday 10 June 2005 08:23, Gerard Vermeulen wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Jun 2005 08:06:44 +0200
> Petr Šimon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am posting this again, not sure whether it got to the list.
> > I have an application running with no problems on linux. On windows,
> > however, input fields (QTextInput, QLineInput) don't accept IME input
> > (chinese). I can paste the characters, but direct input is disabled. What
> > am I doing wrong? I am using PyQtGPL10.exe from pythonqt.vanrietpaap.nl.
> > Thanks a lot
> > Petr
> Does it work in C++?
> You have to keep in mind that this version of PyQt is based on a port of
> a GLD'ed Qt-library to Windows and that not all bell and whistles may be
> supported.
> Gerard
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Well, my command of c++ is too limited to try it out. Honestly I don't 
understand input servers (or IMEs) that well, so I assumed that paste and 
input goes via similar channels. Well I can wait for the Qt 4 that shouldn't 
be limited as I suppose. Thanks anyway. It is an university project for 
several users, but I still have time... so perhaps the new Qt version would 
solve it.

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