Am Sonntag, 19. Juni 2005 09:33 schrieb Torsten Marek:
> Jim Bublitz schrieb:
> > On Saturday 18 June 2005 16:54, Antoni Aloy wrote:
> >>Hello!
> >>
> >>I have installed the lastest Qscintilla, PyQT and SIP snapshoot on my
> >> brand new G5, using Fedora Core 4.
> >>
> >>The eric instaler complains saying I must have a more recent version of
> >>QScintilla :O
> >>
> >>On the other hand I can run Eric without isnstall it, but I get error on
> >>openning a docuement. The erro is at line 2013 in the ViewManager module.
> >> I have hacked the module to remove the none parameters and now it works,
> >> but I have the same problem with other modules.
> >>
> >>Perhaps the problem is pyKDE related as Fedora uses KDE 3.4. I have tried
> >> to build the pyKDE package myself but for the latest snapshoot I get an
> >> error compiling kdecore.
> >>
> >>Any ideas?
> >
> > I just did a new install of the latest sip QScintilla and PyQt snapshots
> > - the most recent PyKDE won't compile against sip 4.2 (mostly some dtors
> > not declared private, although I did find one bug). I'm about half way
> > through updating PyKDE, so I hope to put up a new snapshot soon. The most
> > recent snapshot should be compatible with KDE 3.4.0, but won't work with
> > gcc>3.3.
> >
> > I'm also updating PyKDE to KDE 3.4.1 (shouldn't be a big deal) and will
> > probably try to pick up the gcc changes as well (don't have a version >
> > 3.3 installed, so will need testers). There are other fixes needed that
> > I'll get to in this iteration I hope.
> >
> > I'm not sure how eric3 detects PyKDE, or if there's a switch to force it
> > to ignore it.
> Yes, there is. Just start it with
> $ e3nokde=1 eric3
> Changing this into a command line option could be a wishlist item for 3.8.

That will be in the next snapshot. It's called "--nokde". However, under SUSE 
9.3 with KDE 3.4.1 all the dialogs might still look the same as there seems 
to be some KDE Qt Integration stuff in their Qt-libraries as well. Any ideas 
what's going on?

Detlev Offenbach

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