I set the input mask with:

then I want that when user click on the line edit the cursor prosition
on 0, but it never happened.

I tried:

def test(self):

but this method is not general for other line edit. 

I dont get it how to reimplement the event filter :P

Can anyone help?


On Tue, 2005-06-28 at 14:21 +0200, Giovanni Bajo wrote:
> Danu Kusmana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Im m trying to find something todo with QLineEdit object when the object
> > recived focus by clicking on it. There aren't any signal like "on focus"
> > for QLineEdit or is there?
> Just reimplemet focusInEvent(). In the QFocusEvent you receive there is also
> a reason() method which tells you how the widget got the focus (in case you
> want to do something only if it got focus by mouse).
> Giovanni Bajo

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