On Sun, 26 Jun 2005 23:05:33 +0100
Phil Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Support for this is in tonight's snapshot - some changes to what I described 
> above, but nothing sigificant.
> Support for converting Python exceptions to C++ exceptions in Python 
> re-implementations of C++ virtuals not yet implemented.
> This hasn't been tested - feedback please.

sip command passes without error, but I have an error when linking:
$OFILES in Makefile contains sipMyModuleMyException.o, while there is no
corresponding .cpp file generated.

BTW, when I use throw specifier in method signature without
corresponding %Exception directive, sip exits with non-zero code, but
reports no error message.

All tests were done with sip-snapshot-20050626.

Denis S. Otkidach
http://www.python.ru/      [ru]

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