Am Montag, 19. September 2005 00:28 schrieb Russell Valentine:
> Phil Thompson said the following on 09/18/05 17:13:
> > On Sunday 18 September 2005 10:11 pm, Russell Valentine wrote:
> >>So if it isn't doing it on your system, I wonder what is different
> >> with mine that causes this. It does it on two of my systems Debian
> >> and Gentoo. Alright then, if it was just me sorry to bother you, I
> >> thought I was onto something. If I ever figure out the reason for
> >> this I'll post it in case anyone was curious.
> >
> > No, I'm saying that I don't think your test is working for me. Is
> > the movie supposed to be played - as it does with the Qt movie
> > example?
> >
> > Phil
> No it isn't supposed to do anything (just a blank QMainWindow pops up
> no QMovie in it or anything), it loads a QMovie object and doesn't do
> anything with it. It seems the very fact of doing
> "variable=QMovie(path_to_mng)" then causes there to be a memory leak
> for me. I was attempting to make it as simple as possible so the
> doesn't do anything expect make a blank QMainWindow and
> set a variable to a QMovie object.

Something strange is going on on your side. 

Cannot reproduce it here under SuSE 9.3 with Python 2.4, Qt 3.3.4, sip 
4.1.1 and PyQt 3.13.

Let us know the versions of your distribution, Python, Qt, sip and PyQt 
and who made them for a start..


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