On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 15:31:25 +0200
"Giovanni Bajo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> SIP uses sipconfig as build system. The documentation hints something about
> integration with distutils, but it doesn't go into details. Given the amount
> of development that it is going on with distutils (setuptools, easyinstall,
> .egg packages, etc.) I believe it would be helpful if SIP shipped with a
> more tight integration with distutils. I'd be happy to contirbute it (since
> I start needing it) if I could get some details on the right way of doing
> it.
> Anybody has previous experience on this? Phil, what do you suggest?
PyQwt offers a distutils (in its pyqt_distutils directory).

I have borrowed quite a lot of ideas from the SciPy distutils: for instance
the implementation of additional commands run_sip and run_moc

It parses the Qt spec file for the compiler flags like configure.py
(pyqt_distutils was born at the time that PyQt still used the GNU autotools).

I think pyqt_distutils is better (offers more features) for common systems
such as Windows and Linux.  For rare systems (AIX needs shell commands for 
configure.py is preferrable. pyqt_distutils can certainly be improved by
stealing command invokations from sipconfig.


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