> Phil Thompson wrote:
>> On Tuesday 11 October 2005 1:26 pm, elho wrote:
>>>There seams be something wrong with the copies of the example files from
>>>Is there a place to download the small file of this example to make sure
>>>nothing of mine are wrong?
>>>This is whar I did - I run:
>>>     sip -c . word.sip
>>>..and that's the answer:
>>>     sip: word.sip:2: syntax error
>>>Is there something to notice about the blancs or so? Here are my files:
>>>--- word.h ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>// Define the interface to the word library.
>>>class Word{
>>>     const char *the_word;
>>>   public:
>>>     Word(const char *w);
>>>     char *reverse() const;
>>>--- word.sip ----------------------------------------------------------
>>>// Define the SIP wrapper to the word library.
>>>%Module word 0
>>>class Word
>>>     %TypeHeaderCode
>>>     #include <word.h>
>>>     %End
>>>   public:
>>>     Word(const char *w);
>>>     char *reverse() const;
>> Directives that include code must start at the beginning of a line.
>> You'll also have to remove the argument name from the ctor.
>> Phil
> Even when I change the word.sip to the following I got the same error:
> sip: word.sip:2: syntax error
>       by executing "sip -c . word.sip"
> So there must be something wrong at the beginning, not?
> --- word.sip ----------------------------------------------------------
> // Define the SIP wrapper to the word library.
> %Module word 0
> class Word
> {
> %TypeHeaderCode
> #include <word.h>
> %End
> public:
> Word(const char*);
> char *reverse() const;
> };

What version of SIP are you using?

The documentation describes SIP v4.


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