James Emerton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> That's a valid point, but I don't think it needs to be a 'totally
>>> separate project.'  I understand the potential for incompatibility
>>> with two versions of PyQt, but what if they had different names?  They
>>> can still be built from the same codebase, with %Feature directives.
>> I believe a Python-only implementation would be easier to work on. See
>> also the mail by David Bobble with which I totally agree.
> This depends on where you draw the line.  A total Pythonic
> implementation of Qt is infeasible.  The PyQt community is not large
> enough to develop a stable and mature API.  I do not mean to imply a
> lack of ability, simply a lack of manpower.  The Qt 3.3 docs list 3626
> unique method names, with many of them appearing in multiple classes.
> That's an awful lot of maintenance!

Maybe I wasn't clear. What I was proposing was *not* to create a full Qt
wrapper, but to introduce *helpers* to manage normal Qt objects in a more
Python way. If you look into the examples I wrote down yesterday, you'll see
it's mostly about creating or accessing Qt objects in more pythonic way, not
wrapping each and every object and each and every method.
Giovanni Bajo

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