> Hello,
> I have attached sipdistutils.py which gives preliminar support for
> compiling
> SIP extensions with distutils. It is based on Pyrex's distutils support.
> When you build an extension, the following happens:
> - The list of provided files is searched for files with extension .sip.
> - The files are compiled through "sip" (looking for the correct version),
> generating the source code in the distutils build temp directory. The SIP
> build file (.sbf) is also generated.
> - The .sbf file is parsed to extract the "sources" list of generated files
> - The files are appended to the list of sources to be compiled to build
> the
> extension.
> - Distutils contains normal execution and the .pyd/.so is created.
> - In later runs, the .sbf file is used to do date-based dependency check
> across the original .sip file.
> Example of usage (setup.py file):
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> from distutils.core import setup
> from distutils.extension import Extension
> from sipdistutils import build_ext
> setup(
>   name = 'boolop',
>   ext_modules=[
>     Extension("boolop",  ["boolop.sip", "boolop.cpp"],
>     ],
>   cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext}  # use sip's build_ext
> )
> Caveats:
> - It doesn't support building an extension with two sip files with the
> same
> basename.
> - It should run whichever SIP is installed in the Python distribution
> which
> is executing distutils. It looks for SIP in the exec_prefix directory
> (under
> Windows, this is the base directory of Python). Otherwise, it defaults to
> using the path, but if you have multiple Python/SIP versions that could be
> incorrect. I could run a version check between the output of "sip -V" and
> sip.SIP_VERSION_STR, but it looks just too hard. There ought to be a
> better
> way to find the right sip executable, even under Linux. Suggestions?
> Comments?

Is the swig_sources() method so called because it hooks into standard
wrapper support in distutils? Or were you just trying to hurt my feelings?

You can get the name of the sip executable from the sipconfig module.

Should this be added to sipconfig.py rather than being a separate module?

Any chance of some documentation?


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