Stephan Hermann a écrit :
On Thursday 26 January 2006 09:42, leau2001 wrote:
Package needed with synaptic

— python2.4-qt3
— python2.4-qtext
— python2.4-sip4.qt3
— pyqt-tools
— python2.4-qt3-gl (to use l’OpenGL)

— qt3-designer
— qt3-assistant
— qt3-dev-tools
— qt3-doc
— qt3-examples
— qt3-linguist

For those who want to develop on ubuntu gnome, you need to install

— qt3-qtconfig

On synaptic, use eric package and not eric3 package

On gnome use console to start, on kubuntu programs are on the K menu

Please be sure, that python-kde3 and python-kde3-dev (for pyuic) is installed, too :)

And please file any bugs you find in those package at (this is only for ubuntu)

Please do not file any bugs in the debian bts for ubuntu packages. Thx.


PyKDE mailing list

For my self, i first install kde on my ubuntu , and then became and Kubuntu linux version ;), i think it's easier to develop for KDE to use KDE display...


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