On Tuesday 28 February 2006 3:10 pm, Yann Cointepas wrote:
> Hi,
> What is the procedure to propose modification to sip ?

You've just followed it. :)

> I need a feature 
> that I am ready to program. I would like sip to have an option to generate
> a C++ file only if it does not exists or if it is different from the
> existing one. This would greatly improve compilation time (using make
> dependencies for instance) when modifying a small part of a sip project. I
> looked at the code of sip 4.3.2 and it seem that there is not so much work
> to do. I am ready to:
> - Describe the changes I would like to do
> - Implement these changes in whatever sip version is appropriate
> - Give (for free) these changes to sip developpers
> Tell me if it can be useful for other people, otherwise I will keep using a
> Python script that generate the sip files in a temporary directory before
> copying only modified ones.

I wouldn't accept this change as it doesn't really have anything to do with 
what SIP does (although I readily admit that some of SIP's existing 
functionality also falls into that category).

My recommended solution would be to use some sort of wrapper as you are 
currently doing. You could always put it on the Wiki.


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