Splitter layout will vanish in eric4. eric3 has two operating
modes, debug and edit. For both modes you can set which windows
should be shown and where they should be placed. Carefully
arranged, you can avoid the observed behavior.

Maybe a good idea, maybe not. Docking windows are always a bit tricky
to use. Splitter windows are the most minimal approach to get all
those windows arranged, no headers, no additinal controls. Space is
precious on single monitor systems. The docking layout is hardly
usable. But dono what you plan for eric4.

I have a different opinion. Dockwindows are much better suited to organize
your windows than splitters. Splitters have to be designed into the HMI,
which makes the choices rather limited. If you want to have complete freedom,
you could use the Floating Window layout.

I'm holding up now for single monitor users for wich the docking/floating layout
is shurely not the layout of choice. Splitter view should be the most natural
layout for most to use. Floating is pretty uncomfortable with too many toolwindows flying around on precious monitor space. Thats why 2 or 3 pane splitter layout is some kind of de facto standart for most guis out there. Splitter layout
as it is now is very well designed. Not much to complain about. It would 
be a substantial loss not to include this layout into eric4.

I did, running now 3.8.2. BTW. There is another option I would like
to put on the wishlist. The popup when running a script, asking for
environment. If you are coding commandline apps its ok, if you are
coding libraries its rarely needed. <x popup environment options on
exec> could do the job with an x as default.

Quite possible. However, you have to confirm this dialog just once.
Thereafter, you should use the restart option, which performs the last start,
debug, ... action again using the same values entered into the popup dialog
the last time. Some users are already saying, that there are too many
configuration options.

I know, its just a minor point. Get used hitting one key for running a script. Sometimes its hard to remember if you are running or re-running a script. Best alternative solution I could imagine is two menu entries. One for exec with env query and one for exec without. This would render the rerun
entry useless and introduce a clear distinction. You would know you get faced 
an env dialog if you hit one key and get away without when hitting another. I
stop now, its your gui, not mine ;-)

..to the users complaining about too many options: think about it, its an ide not an editor. Its far better than most other python scripting environments out there *because* it has many options to play with.


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