On Tuesday 04 April 2006 1:11 pm, Michal Krenek wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Apr 2006 at 10:19:49, Phil Thompson wrote:
> > But it's not complete - I need a .ui file that demonstrates the problem.
> With
> > my own test .ui file it works fine.
> Well, it is giving me segmentation fault with every .ui file I have tried.
> I have attached one simple example, so please try it. If it works for you,
> then maybe it is some problem with my distribution.

Works fine for me.

> I am using latest Arch 
> Linux (gcc 4.0.3, glibc 2.3.6, kernel, qt 3.3.6, pyqt 3.16, python
> 2.4.2). But recompiling SIP didn't help, so where this problem can be? What
> I should recompile?

I'd suspect the compiler - search this list for problems with it.


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