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David Boddie escreveu:
> On Sunday 25 June 2006 12:12, Jeremy Sanders wrote:
>> Have you tried using TrueType fonts (like from Microsoft's Corefonts, such
>> as Arial or Times New Roman). My plotting package Veusz creates postscript
>> output which looks fine. I haven't heard of anyone complaining about
>> low resolution fonts.
> TrueType fonts work fine for me. However, José seems to be having problems
> with Arial and Lucida Sans.

Yes all the problems I am having is with truetype fonts, thats all im
>> There is a bug in ghostscript however, which means pdf files generated
>> from qt3 lose some of their text, sigh...
>> http://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=688760
> Thanks for pointing out that bug report. It might explain some of the
> problems I've seen with PDFs in an unrelated issue at work, and hopefully
> your workaround for the problem will help with that.
> Perhaps José's problem is partly a result of Postscript to PDF conversion.
> José, do you see the same problems when you produce Postscript files using
> Arial and Lucida Sans?
> David

Yes, it appends in direct printing, postcript generation (print to
file) and printing to a pdf printer.

The problem seems to be between qt postscript generator and
ghostscript. Personnaly i think its a qt bug, speaking related to this
blog post here:


I have found  a mail sent to the kde lists that speaks about a similar
problem here:


The current situation its half resolved.
If I run qtconfig and disable the font embedding, i can have great
results with some fonts, Times New Roman, Lucida Sans and some others
more, which for now resolves my problem by being able to print in at
least 3 or 4 different fonts.

But it still gives bad results with most of the fonts, wich i
identified as being a qt problem, because the openoffice postscript
generator whorks like a charm and also ghostscript used with other
programms too.

In the changes i made, mainly the bigger problem whas that my font
path search in qtconfig whasnt configured, i added some truetype fonts
folders to it andit can represent some fonts better than it whas but
not all. :(

This link http://www.geocities.com/mobrien_12/pdflinux.htm

also give some clues as how the pdf and postscript generation whorks.

What would be ideal its perhaps send raw data to the printer, which i
dont know how to do it, because ghostscript behaves well embedding
fonts in the postscript it generates, anlysing the qt postscript, it
allways converts fonts fonts to type 2 and 3 which its not always good.

I will still be investigating this and probably wil send a mail to th
qt list and ask if someone had the same problems there.
If the postscript generation is better in qt4 i will also probably
start to convert my application to pyqt4, but for now the little
skills i have are all turned to pyqt3.

Thanks everyone for your help, and if anyone as more ideas they are

Best Regards,

José David

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