Hi Andreas,

that is already possible with eric3 (unless it is broken).

Alternative 1: You can change the environment for the debug client globally in 
the configuration dialog, Debugger -> General page. Here you may replace the 
environment or ammend it.

Alternative 2: You can do the same on a project basis by using the Project 
menu -> Debugger -> Debugger Properties.

I hope, that satisfies your needs.


On Thursday 06 July 2006 16:04, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Hi Detlev,
> I'd like to suggest a feature for eric4 that can be helpful when
> debugging applications: Setting Environment variables for the script
> that is going to be debugged.
> I currently have a situation where my application runs fine in a UTF-8
> locale, but doesn't work in de_DE for example. And with eric3, I have no
> idea how to do that, other than by running eric3 itself in the "other"
> locale.
> That would be really helpful from time to time.
> Andreas

Detlev Offenbach

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