On 08.07.06 12:39:30, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> On Saturday 08 July 2006 12:23, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Hmm, am I right that QScintilla is a Qt wrapper around Scintilla? Then
> > I'll complain to the scintilla developers. This is definetly not a
> > feature.
> You are right and please do so.

Somebody already noticed this in 2003:


I'm going to add a comment asking what the plans for this are.

Do you see any chance of supporting other editors in eric3 (or 4)? For example
I could imagine eric3/4 using KDE's KTextEditor interface and thus
basically using kate as editor. How "integrated" is QScintilla into the
eric3/4 IDE?


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