On Friday 14 July 2006 17:26, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 14.07.06 10:57:04, Timothy Reaves wrote:
> >     I can find no way to add environment variables in eric3.
> We had this recently. As this is related to the DebugClient (which also
> get's run when you just "run" your script) it is under
> Project->Debugger->Settings. I'm not sure about the format there, I only
> needed 1 variable and foobar="value" worked, I guess you'd have to look
> into the source or wait for a comment from Detlev to know how variables
> can be separated.
> Andreas

And here it is. They are separated like they are on the commandline, that is 
by spaces (e.g. foobar=value1 barfoo="value with spaces" bar=1). Btw, 
Andreas, that is exactly what the "What's this help" is telling ;-)

Detlev Offenbach

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