On 05.09.06 19:29:14, Joachim Werner wrote:
> Now I have requested the addition of PyQt v4 to the upcoming openSUSE 10.2 
> release. But I have met some resistance because there is not a single 
> application that needs it right now.


Though I need to re-design the site.

> The cool thing about the openSUSE build service is that does not only build 
> RPMs for various flavours of SUSE Linux, but also packages for Debian/Ubuntu, 

Debian and possibly the next ubuntu release already contain PyQt4.

> Right now there is a hen-and-egg problem with it: If it's not installed by 
> default it's relatively hard to install PyQt 4 apps,

No, not really. It's as hard as installing other software, for exmaple
autotools based (i.e. configure && make && make install).

> but to have PyQt apps 
> out there that justify adding PyQt 4 to the distribution by default it has to 
> be easy enough to develop/deploy them in the first place.

It is easy to develop PyQt4 apps and deploying them with standard python
means (i.e. distutils/setuptools) is easy as well.


Try to have as good a life as you can under the circumstances.

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