On Friday 08 September 2006 22:34, Jim Bublitz wrote:
> On Friday 08 September 2006 12:11, Simon Edwards wrote:
> > [development & testing time]
> Right - mostly because the compiles take so long, and there are at least 5 
> releases (3.0.x - 3.5.x) to test against. But see below (I used to go down
> to  
> the '.x' level at one time).

Having PyKDE as part of the standard KDE release would mean that you only have 
to test against _that_ version of KDE and no other. kdelibs + PyKDE is simply 
one thing with one version number that works together. It wouldn't make sense 
to take the PyKDE bindings from one KDE release and try to use that with 
another version of KDE.

> > For KDE4 I want to see all of the extra dev support stuff that in "PyKDE
> > Extensions" [1] rolled into PyKDE, along with support in CMake for
> > building 
> > Python modules, sip stuff and being able to mix that with regular C++
> > based 
> > KDE development.
> I, personally, won't go back to any of the Gnu "autotools" stuff, and I 
> absolutely refuse to do anything that involves m4. Even if I had the time 
> (and it takes almost more time than anything else), it's too ugly.  But that 
> can be automated too - just not by me. Other than that, I'm a pretty nice 
> guy. To be complete, I'm not a big distutils fan either.

In my comment above I was thinking more of 3rd developers who are using PyKDE 
and need some kind of build system for handling installation, i18n messages 
etc. I wasn't thinking about the build system for PyKDE itself.

As for autohell, it's history. All of KDE (kdelibs, kdebase etc) has or will 
move to CMake. A lot of KDE C++ applications can even be satisified with 
Qt4's qmake. I can't say what makes the most sense for PyKDE, except that it 
won't be automake. ;-)

The advantage of trying to make use of CMake is that you can then leverage a 
lot of the tricky cross platform support and fixes in CMake wrt things like 
handling the C++ compilier and libraries, installation paths etc etc. And it 
provides a more consistent build method to packagers.


Simon Edwards             | KDE-NL, Guidance tools, Guarddog Firewall
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       | http://www.simonzone.com/software/
Nijmegen, The Netherlands | "ZooTV? You made the right choice."

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