> Hi all,
> I've received the first version of Doug Bell's TreeLine in the PyQt 4
> version.
> So the first application that we have on openSUSE is on it's way to PyQt
> 4.
> I've also found a volunteer to create initial packages for openSUSE in the
> build system.
> Now, after following the previous thread, I have some questions on how we
> can
> proceed:
> The starting point is that we currently only have the kdebindings3 version
> of
> sip, PyQt, and PyKDE in openSUSE.
> We don't really want to change this for the openSUSE 10.2 release, but at
> the
> same time I'd like to have PyQt 4, at least as an option.
> We will not have more than one Python.
> So, where exactly will we have to expect problems?
> PyQt 3 and PyQt 4 can be installed into the same Python, right?


> The sip from kdebindings3 will conflict with the sip PyQt 4 needs, right?

That's not been tested as far as I know.

> Can I get around that conflict by just installing it to a different place
> than
> it is now?

I can't see how - but I haven't looked at SIP3 for a couple of years.

> Or can we just use sip 4.4.5 for building our PyQt3 and PyKDE3?


> The
> problem
> with that would be that we'd have to touch the current
> kdebindings3-python. I
> don't like that idea very much.

The easiest thing is to just discard the versions in kdebindings - but
that depends on how important binary compatibility with external (ie. not
part of the distro) C++ extension modules is to you.


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