On Friday 22 September 2006 14:06, Paul Giannaros wrote:
> There are two createNewWindow signals in KParts::BrowserExtension to notify
> browser hosts that a new window has been requested.
> createNewWindow(KURL, KParts::URLArgs) is supported, but I can see on the
> PyKDE docs that createNewWindow(KURL, KParts::URLArgs, KParts::WindowArgs,
> *&KParts::ReadOnlyPart) is not supported. The second signal is (as far as I
> can see) used in KJS and emitted when JavaScript creates a new window so
> that you can set the emitted KPart to your new KHTMLPart and the two can
> communicate via JavaScript on the webpage.
> Is there any chance of this signal being supported in some way? If only
> KHTMLPart::setOpener/setOpenedByJS were not private then there would be no
> need for it to be.

Here's the relevant portion of kparts/browserextension.h:

// KDE invents support for public signals...
#undef signals
#define signals public
#undef signals
#define signals protected


void createNewWindow( const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs &args,
                        const KParts::WindowArgs &windowArgs,   
                        KParts::ReadOnlyPart *&part );

The problem for PyKDE/sip is the reference to a pointer in the last argument.
There are a couple of issues here I'm not sure about, and need Phil's input 

First, is it possible to write %MethodCode for a signal (even a "public" 
signal)? I seem to recall it wasn't possible, but there's always a good 
possibility my memory is wrong.

If not, then would it work to add some C++ to the sip file to connect to this 
signal (would require a special connect method to init the connection, I'd 
think) and then re-emit a signal, connect to an invented signal or call a 
method compatible with sip? Can I create a new signal in the sip file just by 
sticking a signal declaration in the %TypeHeader block and then referencing 
it like a normal signal in class block in the sip file?


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