On Thu, 28 Sep 2006 01:25:24, JIm Bublitz wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 August 2006 14:58, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> > I'm trying to make a KUniqueApplication accessible via dcop, but I'm
> > getting the following error:
> >
> > dcop-testapp: ERROR: Communication problem with dcop-testapp, it probably
> > crashed.
> I found some time to look at this a little more. Your short sample app will 
> "work" if you comment out the attach() call. You can also convert 
> PyKDE/examples/example_dcopexport.py to KUniqueApplication (modify the 
> statement and the KApplication ctor call), and it will "work" from kdcop.

This is true. This is in line with dcop specification [1] which says:

KUniqueApplication automatically registers itself to DCOP. If you are using 
KUniqueApplication you should not attach or register yourself, this is 
already done. The appId is by definition equal to kapp->name(). You can 
retrieve the registered DCOP client by calling kapp->dcopClient().

> I say "work" because I ran into some other problems I didn't try to resolve, 
> and I'm not sure if they're bugs or normal operation. The first is that 
> executing your sample app creates two processes (pids), and two entires in 
> kdcop (one with a pid, one without). That doesn't seem to be a big deal.

The entry without pid is registered by KUniqueApplication itself, while the 
pid entry is created by registerAs() call (in sample application), which is 
actually not needed (see [1]) if KUniqueApplication is used.

> The other problem is that selecting "quit" via kdcop doesn't terminate the 
> application when KUniqueApplication is used, but it just may be necessary to 
> add some other code to accomplish that - I didn't try anything else. I'm not 
> sure how KDE is written in that respect.

The problem is that dcop interface created by KUniqueApplication itself does 
not work at all. I have removed both attach() and registerAs() in order to 
keep only interface created by KUniqueApplication. If you run "dcop <name>" 
from command line, it will just hang. Also the error reported by Sebastian 
("Communication problem with <name>, it probably crashed.") is still seen on 
any startup of the application. I suspect this is due to the fact that 
KUniqueApplication uses dcop interface to prevent multiple instances of the 
application to run. Good thing is that at least it prevents multiple 


[1] http://developer.kde.org/documentation/other/dcop.html

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