On Monday 16 October 2006 7:24 am, Simon Edwards wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> -------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> from PyQt4 import QtCore
> def main():
>     f = QtCore.QFile("Stream_test.txt")
>     f.open(QtCore.QIODevice.WriteOnly)
>     stream = QtCore.QTextStream(f)
>     num = 80
>     stream << "This is my number " << num << "."
>     f.close()
> main()
> ---------------------------
> Output is "This is my number 1.", while I had expected "This is my number
> 80.".

It's treating the int as a bool. PyQt has never supported basic types and 
QTextStream - but I've added limited support in the latest PyQt4 snapshot. 
There are easier ways to do this in standard Python.


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