> After I applied the grid box, a red box appeared around the outline of
> grid layout, and squished everything vertically.

>>OK. You're applying layouts that way! :-)

? I was following your directions. What should I have done differently?
Is it normal for the group boxes to get squished or not?

Unlike Python, Qt Designer has more than one obvious way to do lots of
>>things. ;-)

That statement about only doing things one way in Python just isn't true


not until now- that is helpful

Still, it needn't be so hard to use. Most things I do with Designer are
>>simple, so it shocked me a little to see how hard it was to do what you

Some docs on how to use layouts would be good.
For example - how would a user know to use the "apply layout" buttons as
opposed to putting layouts on the forms, the placing widgets on/in them?
This is where I started going wrong.


>>Having said that, the above document does get into advanced issues
>>quickly. Maybe it's time to start writing another tutorial. :-/

I wouldn't necessarily say this is advanced, but it doesn't cover something
as simple as my example- two vertical layouts side- by side.
I had read that layout.html many times, trying to figure out how to get
widgets inside of a group box.


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