On Saturday 21 July 2007 12:24 am, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 20.07.07 22:51:55, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 20.07.07 12:43:43, Phil Thompson wrote:
> > > On Friday 20 July 2007 12:40 pm, you wrote:
> > > > Here is the produced qtdirs.mk.
> > >
> > > Attached is mine as a comparison.
> > >
> > > It would appear Ubuntu have been messing with Qt (as distros tend to
> > > do), so I would report it as a bug with them.
> >
> > Same thing here with Debian packages. Looking at the source package
> > reveals nothing obvious.
> >
> > Looking through the Qt sources there's only 1 place where QT_SHARED is
> > set, thats src/qbase.pri and its added to PRL_EXPORT_DEFINES.
> >
> > The thing is: I have no idea what that variable is supposed to mean and
> > its not obvious what it does.
> >
> > So I'm not so sure about the "distro messes with Qt" thingie.
> Ok, here's what I found: The reason that -DQT_SHARED is not added is
> because Debian removes the link_prl option from qmake.conf. I guess the
> reason is that this is not needed on a debian based system most of the
> time.
> So adding
> CONFIG += link_prl
> to qtdirs.pro (don't know wether the file is generated or not) solves
> the problem.
> I've sent a bugreport to debian asking for a fix, leaving link_prl in is
> not an option as that causes other unwanted side-effects (like an
> application that uses QtSql module to always link against mysql libs).
> Also I checked Debians pyqt package but the configure.py in that version
> (4.2) didn't yet check for QT_SHARED as it seems. Which is why it works
> there.

I've added the CONFIG line to tonight's snapshot.

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