On 14/08/2007 9.47, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

Essentially all I try to do is to create a interface in C++ (IEventReceiver), a subclass (PyIEventReceiver) to overload the pure virtual methods of the base-interface so it can be overloaded in python and a test-class that invokes the OnEvent-method in a previously set IEventReceiver implementation.

You don't need PyIEventReceiver at all. You can directly subclass IEventReceiver, if that's what you want to achieve.

/Abstract/ is meant to force SIP *NOT* to allow instantiations of the class. That's not what you want.

Then in the python-test-script, I try and instantiate the test-object, and subclass the PyIEventReceiver. The latter is the problem. When passing that into the test-object and invoke the test-method, I don't get the overloaded method invoked.

You didn't define them as "virtual" in the sip file... what did you expect? :)

Define them as "virtual" (and even add the "= 0" where appropriate) and you will get the right behaviour.
Giovanni Bajo

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