Hi David, Glad to see one response!! at least a "I don't know how to do it will be enough for me... and for every user who post something in this list....

Now, I was digging a little on http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/1.3/ar01s05.html which correspond setting properties to the X desktop, which for sure will be python-xlib to use this.

On one QT forum i found: http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/p-widgets-on-bottom-post47771/postcount4.html
But since i don't know much about C++ (and i don't care to learn it) is hard for me to translate entirely to PyQT.

So i will see how i can handle this...

Anyway, thanks...

Gustavo A. Díaz
GDNet Projects

David Boddie escribió:
On Friday 07 September 2007 10:04:56 -0300, Gustavo A. Díaz wrote:

Non help about this? :(:(

Apparently not. :-/

2007/9/5, Gustavo A. Díaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I was searching a lot and playing around with setFlags to my mainWindow
to make possible two things:

- I want to disable my app to be placed on the taskbar/kicker/whatever
when i execute it, cause i do not use minimize function (like an applet
- I want this window to be always on bottom of all the rest of the
windows/apps (again, like an applet Style)

What did I've tested?

- To disable the window from being in the task bar, I've tested 2 flags:

    *One is the QtCore.Qt.Dialog, which does not do what i want, indeed
does nothing... my app still is available to minimize by the user.
    *Second, I've tested this time with
QtCore.Qt.X11BypassWindowManagerHint which do what i want, the app.
disappear from the taskbar but the window stay always on top. So this
conflict with the first thing i want that is to put the app always on
bottom of all windows/apps.

I don't think you should be using either of these. Have you tried the
Window Flags example? There should be a Python version of this supplied
with PyQt4, but there's a C++ version you can run instead.

- To place the app always on bottom: I don't know how to do this.

I'm not sure about this, either. Perhaps setting the Qt.Desktop window
flags will do what you want. Having said that, I don't know what will
happen if there is a desktop window already present.


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Gustavo A. Díaz
GDNet Projects
Gustavo A. Díaz
PyQt mailing list    PyQt@riverbankcomputing.com

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