Hi Phil,

after some days/weeks of debugging/profiling some code without really getting any clue at the Python level, I tried oprofile on the code, and was shocked by sipQtFindConnection being shown as top entry (50% of the total time spent in that execution, with total execution time being 32 seconds on my PC; so it's about 16 seconds spent in that function only).

By doing some further research, it looks like the offending call is in sipWrapper_clear() (called from sipWrapper_dealloc()). For each SIP object destroyed, sipQtFindConnection is invoked, and it goes through a linear search of all connections.

Since I have many small objects wrapped with SIP (which I allocate and deallocate galore), I can see this taking a lot of time.

I am a little concerned because the code I'm profiling isn't Qt-related at all: it uses my own SIP objects, but not Qt. sipQtFindConnection seems more a bridge between SIP and Qt signal/slot, and it's a pity that all SIP objects in a program must pay this penalty (even those not related to Qt at all).

I was wondering if something could be done in this regard. I can help with the coding leg-work, but I need some inputs as what can be tried to fix this.

Thanks in advance!
Giovanni Bajo

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