On 2007-10-28, Reinhard Thies wrote:
> Mark,
> when do you expect the book to be ready ? I preordert the book at amazin.de
> but there is no delivery date.
> Thanks
> Reinhard

The books were physically printed in the US about 3 weeks ago and are
now in the US distribution channels. My guess is that some are scheduled
to be shipped to destinations outside the US early next month (and
this certainly includes Europe).

I was sent mine by airmail and I think they've done a really good job
printing it---the screenshots and text are sharp and clear and they've
used the PDF I supplied so everything looks exactly as I wanted it to.

BTW I've updated pyqtbook.{zip,.tar.gz}. I have added two more programs
which are almost identical copies of two programs that are already
there, one to show a more sophisticated approach to creating an SDI
window menu, and the other to provide a better python syntax hightligher
(and updated README.txt regarding these)---so no need to get the updated
archive if you're not interested in SDI or python syntax highlighting.

PS On the book's Prentice Hall web page it says "Format: Cloth", whereas
the format is actually hardback.

Mark Summerfield, Qtrac Ltd., www.qtrac.eu

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