I don't usually jump into these things, but...

Gustavo A. D?az wrote:
> > > And for the second... I don't provide a example code? lol.. you  are
> > > blind then...
> >
> > Please read carefully: I talked about a [minimal] self contained example.
> > You seem to expect us to add the missing pieces to your code in order to
> > help _you_? A bit more sense of reality wouldn't harm then.
> Again, your are BLIND... I've posted the stylesheet code... You, read
> carefully next time. For stylesheet, you don't need the rest of the code, is
> purely css (which I've fixed adding some css tricks)

You did not provide a "self contained example".  And calling someone
who is trying to help you "BLIND" is rather rude.

There are several good reasons to create a minimal self contained
example that demonstrates your problem:

  - It allows those who are trying to help to run your code and see what
    you are talking about.  Which they probably won't do if they have to
    add code to make it run.

  - If a helper does add code to make your example run, it may not match
    what you did.  This could change the results.

  - You often will discover yourself that your minimal example does not
    behave like your larger app.  This can lead to an investigation of
    the differences, which can often uncover the problem.

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