On Thursday 24 January 2008, David Boddie wrote:
> On Thu Jan 24 10:34:37 GMT 2008, Phil Thompson wrote:
> > On Thursday 24 January 2008, David Boddie wrote:
> > > I still can't see the attraction of this syntax. I sort of see the
> > > point of things like
> > >
> > >   button.clicked.emit()
> > >
> > > but the stage 2 connect syntax looks inside-out.
> >
> > Because it's focused on the sender rather than the receiver? Your
> > suggestion below does as well.
> It's more perverse than that: it's focused on the signal itself. With the
> classic syntax
>   self.connect(button, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.doSomething)
> there's a nice pattern to follow:
>   connect <sender> <signal> <receiver> <slot>
> even when <receiver> and <slot> are combined. Ideally, you could combine
> the <sender> and <signal>, but arguments complicate the issue. From a C++
> user's perspective, the self is redundant, but that's the case in lots of
> places in Python.
> With the signal-centric syntax, I think the meaning is different:
>   btn.clicked.connect(self.on_clicked)
> The signal is saying, "Connect me to this slot."

Yes, although <sender>, <signal>, <receiver> and <slot> are still in the same 

> Not that there's anything wrong with that - it's just a different focus.

Yes, but your suggestion (which I like)...

    btn.connect("clicked()", self.on_clicked)

...has the same issue.

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