On 1/31/2008 4:53 PM, Angel Leon wrote:

  In the past I'd build a py2exe distributable of my app, and the py2exe
would be missing for some reason Qt4svg.dll, I'd then manually copy the dll,
and my app would launch.

  does anyone have a similar problem? do you solve it by adding file copy
commands to your build script, or is there something you can do to your
py2exe script?

As others said, this works with PyInstaller without manual intervention.

 also, I'm very concerned about the size of my application installer, I
think my app shouldn't be needing qt4svg.dll since I'm not doing any vector
graphics, just basic Qt4 widgets, is there any way to break this
dependencies and only distribute my app with a minimum number of qt4 dlls?

This requires manual intervention :)

PyInstaller always errs on the safe side, so that in many cases it "just" works (that I found out being the more important property for such packages).

If you want to finetune the size of a PyQt application, the best way is to recompile Qt/PyQt use a consolidated module. Basically:

- Compile Qt statically (configure -static). It will build static libraries (.lib) instead of dlls. - Compile PyQt with "--consolidate" (but *without* --static, since you still want a dynamic .pyd module). Add --enable for the modules you need and --plugin for the plugins you need.

This will give you a big _qt.pyd with everything inside (no external dependencies), plus small Qt*.pyd wrappers to make your existing code work. You will save space twice because:

1) it will just include the parts you need
2) it will compress *tons* better (because there are no relocations symbols, more stuff is inlined, etc.).

Give that to PyInstaller trunk with latest UPX (with LZMA support) and rejoyce :)

Then, you might want to see the output of ArchiveViewer.py run over the final executable, so that you will see the list of all modules that have been brought in. If there's something that PyInstaller thought you might need but you actually don't use, you can handedit the excludes=[] list in the .spec file to avoid bringing them in.
Giovanni Bajo

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