Am Dienstag, 6. Mai 2008 schrieb tsic:
> Hello,
> I tried to program a chat interface between a server and many clients.
> when I used Qthread this message apear when I execute my program file
> from DOS:

Has anybody ported PyQt to DOS without my knowledge? ;-)

> QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
> And stop the execution of the program because pythonw.exe has find a
> problem and must close...
> this is my code
>     def conec(self):
>         HOST = self.adripes.text()
>         PORT = int(self.nipes.text())
>         thread = Thread(HOST, PORT)
>         QtCore.QObject.connect(thread, SIGNAL("finished()"),thread,
> SLOT("deleteLater()"))
>         thread.start()

...and the thread disappears, when this method finish. 

This is by far the most frequent PyQt beginners failure:

You either need to keep a reference on the thread object 
(e.g.: s/thread/self.thread/)
or add a parent object to the ctor, as most Qt objects do.
How to do the latter is left as an exercise to the implementor.

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