On Sat, 2008-05-24 at 09:33 +0200, Python(x,y) wrote:
> Phil Thompson a écrit :
> > On Friday 23 May 2008 6:47:11 pm Pierre Raybaut wrote:
> >   
> >> About this missing DLL issue, the main difference between the 4.3.3 and
> >> 4.4.x Windows installer releases seems to be about the .dll management.
> >> Apparently, since 4.4.1 release, for example, there is not only a
> >> QtCore.pyd file but also a QtCore4.dll and so on. Hence the new "add to
> >> path" installer feature, for Windows to find the QtCore4.dll. The problem
> >> is that MATLAB for example is also using a QtCore4.dll (which is built with
> >> MSVS2005, hence the missing MSVCP80.dll error), and Windows find the MATLAB
> >> directory first when searching the PATH environment variable... so, PyQt is
> >> currently not compatible with MATLAB for example, which is quite a serious
> >> problem for me and a lot of scientific users I know. Unless you have a
> >> solution to this PATH conflicting issue?
> >>     
> > Just add a .bat file around one of them with a specific PATH set up.
> >
> > Phil
> >   
> in order to run MATLAB with a specific PATH set up?
> If that's what you meant, I really can't do that for two reasons. First, 
> I think that users don't want Python(x,y) installer to change in any way 
> their other installed softwares. Second, MATLAB is an interpreter much 
> like Python, meaning that you can type "matlab.exe script.m" to run 
> program "script.m", so you can't really ask users to use a .bat file 
> each time they run programs.

Yes, I see that it's going to be a problem here.

It's the kind of problems that re-surfaces now that Qt's .DLLs are
separated from .PYDs. In fact, till now I hadn't realized this was a
problem even if you installed Qt's .DLLs next to PyQt's .PYDs, but
that's the way Windows works...
Giovanni Bajo
Develer S.r.l.

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