Darren Dale a écrit :
On Friday 30 May 2008 5:22:44 pm Pierre Raybaut wrote:

I found out a performance bug when embedding a Matplotlib 0.91.2 canvas
in a PyQt 4.4.2 object: the pan/zoom feature is very slow (with PyQt
4.3.3, and the exact same scripts, pan/zoom is real-time).

I am posting this in Matplotlib mailing-list too, but I thought that
maybe some of you could have an idea about this?

I don't think it is appropriate to post here unless it can be demonstrated that there is a performance issue specifically related to PyQt and not Matplotlib or Qt. We continue this discussion on the matplotlib mailing list.
I thought that it may be useful for people to keep this in mind just in case (one could have experienced a similar problem and have an idea on how to solve it, and then I would have eventually switch to matplotlib mailing-list). I posted this message for PyQt users *information* only: that's why I mentioned that I've posted on the matplotlib mailing-list too (which was obviously the real "bug report").
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