Hello again,

I'm still trying to track down the other segfaults, but in the process
I found one in sip's grammar. I found that if I edited pyqt4's
sip/phonon/phononmod.sip to be:

%Module PyQt4.phonon 0
%Import QtCore/QtCoremod.sip
%Import QtGui/QtGuimod.sip

And then had sip/QWebKit/QWebKitmod.sip to be:

%Module PyQt4.QtWebKit 0
%Import QtCore/QtCoremod.sip
%Import QtGui/QtGuimod.sip
%Import QtNetwork/QtNetworkmod.sip

It will segfault with an infinite loop as sip manages the imports. I
believe this is happening because the parser isn't calling
"handleEOM". It looks like there needs to be at least one non-import
token after an import for it to get called. If we add this:

%Module PyQt4.phonon 0
%Import QtCore/QtCoremod.sip
%Import QtGui/QtGuimod.sip


It won't segfault anymore.
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