Quoting Alberto Berti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

For who asked for pypapi docs, i'm preparing a tutorial (still to be
finished) that shows some PyPaPi features: it's here

The part about the table is confusing. I suggest to move it to a new tutorial and explain it in more detail (how to add the table, how to bind the table to the details view, etc).

Also, what is the third parameter of addNavigationToolBar() ('FPNL-EID-AC')?

Is there a way to put the call to addNavigationToolBar() into __init__()? You never do it and I wonder why not.

"Column headers are set to IContact's field titles..." This is unclear. Who sets the column headers? Do I have to do that in the designer or does the code do that?

Typos: "The last pieces that we need to setup are to define a the form class.." huh?

"We just now want to see it in action." -> "Now, we want to see it in action."

"next for now, we want to add a table that will show a summary of all the contacts over the details." Sounds clumsy. How about: "While this works, the user can't see the other contacts and that makes it hard to use our UI. It would be much nicer if he could see all contacts in a summary table. To do that, add a standard QTableView..."


Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla a.k.a. Philmann Dark
"It's not the universe that's limited, it's our imagination.
Follow me and I'll show you something beyond the limits."

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