On 08.08.08 16:36:35, Roberto Alsina wrote:
> I don't know how to explain it, si I have to use pictures.

Are you talking about the cut-off menu items? Or what? Which parts of
the pictures should we look into/

> In the good version, I create the "star" icon for each item:
>       item1.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(':/star.svg'))
> In the bad version, I created a global:
> star=QtGui.QIcon(':/star.svg')
> And used it instead:
>       item1.setIcon(star)

Note that the icon here might vanish as soon as the function is left, so
your items might have invalid icons - unless they do a deep-copy of the
given item.


You're a card which will have to be dealt with.
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