
I discovered a strange behavior in Qt Designer's Property Editor when using custom widget plugins written using PyQt (for example, starting the example "plugins.py" in the PyQt examples collection designer/plugins). If I create a new dialog with a QDialogButtonBox, the buttons OK and Cancel appear. But looking at the Property Editor, the standardButtons field says "NoButton". Now if I try to add a new button, the standardButton field remains set to "NoButton", the noButton field becomes checked and grayed out, and it is possible to select only one of the standard buttons at a time. The same problem appears if I have a dockWidget: the NoDockWidgetFeatures is checked and gray, and I can't select more than one feature at a time. I can provide screen shots if needed. If I run Designer without any python plugins. I run Python 2.5, Qt 4.4.1 and PyQt 4.4.3 on OSX 10.5.
Could it be a bug in the python plugin?


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