On Tue, 28 Oct 2008 05:56:06 -0700 (PDT), celsowm wrote:

> celsowm wrote:
> > I tried a simple xptah sample, like this:
> >
> > from PyQt4 import QtXmlPatterns, QtCore
> >
> > query.setQuery("doc('index.htm')/html/body/p[1]");
> > x = QtCore.QStringList;
> > myFile = QtCore.QFile("index.htm")
> > serializer = QtXmlPatterns.QXmlSerializer(query,myFile);
> > query.evaluateTo(x); #dll error if use serealizer...

Can you post the output, the versions of Qt and PyQt, and details of the
platform you are using, please? If you really are getting a crash when
you call this method, there's something seriously wrong somewhere.

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